We work every day with the commitment to be faithful to our motto

"The cheapest and closest to your business"

The following services are available to our clients:

· Home service

· Free parking

· Customer Service

· Personalized attention from our employees.

Your family and wholesale supermarket

CASH DIPLO was founded in 2008, and after having gone through different processes of transformation and changes, today we say that we are a 100% Spanish company, which has become a benchmark for Cash & Carry at a national level, whose main business It is based on the HORECA sector, but without neglecting families, always thinking of your comfort and savings.


We have 23 stores in total, of which 14 are located in the Canary Islands and 9 in the Peninsula, in addition to having a presence in Ceuta and Melilla with an establishment in each city. The sales area of ​​our centers, for the whole of Spain, reaches 40,000 m2 managed by a staff of more than 300 workers and increasing more and more.

We work every day with the commitment to be faithful to our motto

"The cheapest and closest to your business"

The following services are available to our clients:

· Home service

· Free parking

· Customer Service

· Personalized attention from our employees.

Date de alta como cliente en ARENAS CashDiplo
Para beneficiarte de nuestras ofertas o promociones exclusivas en cada uno de nuestros Centros date de alta como cliente y obtén tu tarjeta personalizada
Product sheets

In this section you can consult or download the product sheets of the products marketed by CashDiplo. We will provide you with the files of the products belonging to our brands and those of the rest of the products grouped by manufacturers or distributors.

Product sheets

In this section you can find the entire assortment of catalogues belonging to our Arenas CashDiplo brand to be able to see them completely.
